End Of Lease Cleaning Hobart

We are the best cleaning service in Hobart.

0451 587 474
End Of Lease Cleaning

What we offer

Easy online booking
Certified Professional Cleaners
All Cleaning Supplies Included
Easy Payment Method

As a Hobart based company, our team knows exactly how to prepare an apartment for even the toughest landlord. Whether you are a tenant trying to get a bond back, preparing to rent for AirBNB or trying to sublet, let the experts at Flexico handle the cleaning.

As a Hobart based end of lease cleaning service, we understand what it takes to get a Hobart’s home back in perfect condition before, during, and after a move. Since we are fully equipped at end of lease cleaning, we are prepared to clean any apartment, studio, flat and home in the Hobart and surrounding suburbs. The staff at Flexico is even prepared to do touch ups such as spackling and painting, as well as fixing molding.  Don’t waste any more time.  Contact us today for a free estimate.

We Have What You Are Looking For

  • Heavy Duty Cleaning
  • Professional Organisers
  • Transportation Services
  • Junk And Clutter Removal
  • Boxing And Storage Solutions
  • Odour Treatment

Why Flexico for End of Lease Cleaning Services

Even with the excitement of moving from a rental to a newly purchased home. Moving is always stressful and exhausting no matter how well planned Why not skip the time, effort, and extra rush of moving out of the old place and move into a new home or apartment that’s clean and tidy right from the start.

We serve all suburbs of Hobart, with special touches with each home or apartment cleaning putting us heads and shoulders above the rest.

We provide end of lease cleaning services for move out, using natural green and approved cleaning products.  Our cleaning staff are vetted and well-trained, following the highest standards of cleaning and attention to detail.  They’ll start and finish right on time to fit your schedule and help everything move along smoothly.

Flexico’s Move Out Cleaning Services

We know what landlords want to see, and they’ll have no viable reasons against refunding the bond after our cleaning services. We also work with real estate agents & property managers for move outs and tenant change overs and understand what their clients expect to see on move in.

You can say goodbye before the chaos of packing – we can do that for you.  Our move out cleaning specialists will thoroughly clean and prepare the home or apartment for the next occupants with chemical-free green home cleaning.

Project Gallery

One time cleanings Recurring cleanings ​Common area cleaning

Move in / Move outs ​Spring cleaning Junk removal

Inside and out Ovens / Refrigerators Detail dusting

Clean outs Windows ​Laundry & Carpet

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Frequently asked Questions

What is included in an end-of-lease clean?

Do you offer a bond-back guarantee?

How long does an end-of-lease clean take?

Do I need to provide the cleaning supplies?

Can I book an end-of-lease clean on short notice?

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